The Los Angeles Times art critic Christopher Knight is in a spin about a wall caption at the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York. Knight says that the text, part of the institution’s inaugural show (America Is Hard to See, until 27 September) in its new home, misrepresents his views and should be removed. The caption, which refers to the 1993 Whitney Biennial, says: “Knight’s review was a typical one, noting the unprecedented presence of art by women, ethnic minorities and gays and lesbians, while decrying the show’s artistic quality.” Knight is not happy, saying on his blog that his “review attacked [instead] the show’s curatorial thesis as lacking quality”. Adam Weinberg, the museum’s director, has offered to amend the caption, but the critic is still griping. In his opinion, the Whitney is saying: “We’ll tinker with the wording without really changing its meaning and put up a new sign.”