Kevin O’Leary, the American television personality best known for his role on the reality tv show Shark Tank, has partnered with the Perry J. Cohen Foundation (PJCF) for a benefit photography show. Irreconcilable Images will be on view at the fifth edition of the Art Wynwood Fair in Miami opening Friday, 12 February.
Although O’Leary is largely regarded as an archetypal businessman, he had his first stint behind the videocamera in the late 1980s, at a now-defunct television station. “Art and photography has always had a place in my life, side-by-side with business, like yin and yang,” O’Leary said in a press statement. The show includes original photos, many taken during his trips around the globe.
All the sales proceeds will go toward the foundation, which is named in memory of the 14-year-old son of Pamela Cohen, the director of marketing for the Art Wynwood fair, who went missing at sea in July last year. It aims to instil smart decision-making skills, including sailing safety standards, in teenagers and young people around the country.