Adults and kids alike love Where’s Wally?, a cartoon created by the illustrator Martin Handford, who challenges readers to find his bobble-hatted boy in various crowd scenes. Catherine Ingram, a freelance art historian, and the illustrator Andrew Rae have given Where’s Wally? an art-historical twist with the launch of Where’s Warhol?, published by Laurence King. “Spot Warhol in the corridors of the Bauhaus or the Sistine Chapel as he and his famous friends pop up in 12 spectacles of art history. Expand your art horizons and indulge in some celebrity-spotting,” the marketing blurb says. The scenarios include “the Bauhaus”, “Michelangelo paints the Sistine Chapel” and “Pompeii”. It shouldn’t be too difficult to spot the artist’s silver locks amid the throng.