Stuart Semple is giving a helping hand to the organisation The Fertility Partnership next month when six public art pieces by the UK artist will go on show in six cities. Semple’s installations—to be unveiled in Glasgow, London and Nottingham, among other locations on 1 September—will highlight the work of the partnership (a group of national and international clinics specialising in IVF). Semple will also give away on the day of the launch 1,000 limited edition screenprints on foil balloons, a gesture “reflective of the generous act of egg donation”, the organisers say. “I'm hoping of course that these temporary public sculptures, and the art pieces that we are giving away, will encourage some important discussions about egg donation and fertility,” Semple says (so you know: every year, around 2,000 children are born in the UK as a result of donated eggs, sperm or embryos but there is a dilemma as the UK just doesn’t have enough egg donors).