The company’s case against Oxford-based American papyrist Dirk D. Obbink revolves around ancient papyrus fragments it purchased for its Washington, DC institution, the Museum of the Bible
The crafts chain, which bought them for its Museum of the Bible in Washington, DC, says the seller lied about the biblical objects’ provenance
Institution has been faulted for a lack of oversight in determining what artefacts were legally exported and sold
The Eikosiphoinissa Manuscript 220 was among hundreds of objects taken from the Kosinitza Monastery by Bulgarian separatist troops in 1917
The auction house knew that the provenance of an ancient cuneiform tablet inscribed with the Epic of Gilgamesh was made up, lawsuit claims
Washington DC’s Museum of the Bible had acquired the artefacts through its founder Steve Green
Tests by German institute show "characteristics inconsistent with ancient origin"