The artist David Remfry’s new book—We Think the World of You: People and Dogs Drawn Together—does exactly what it says on the tin. The book, which was published last month by the Royal Academy of Arts, includes pencil-and-watercolour portraits of famous owners such as the actors Alan Cumming and Susan Sarandon. But there is more to the collection than doggie doodling: each sketch is accompanied by a description of how the dogs and their owners found each other. Remfry describes how sittings with the influential US art patron Agnes Gund “began in her drawing room—a Rothko to her right and a Rauschenberg behind her, but no pressure”. Gund is guarded by her pets Tina and Giotto. Sadly, Tina has since died, but has been replaced by Bronzino, who is “full of puppy love and pee”.