Marking the centennial of voting rights for American women, the nonprofit Cultural Landscape Foundation has devoted its 2020 list of endangered US landscapes to sites created by female designers. Accompanied by an online exhibition after the coronavirus derailed a travelling show, today's report Landslide 2020: Women Take the Lead details 12 entries, two of which include multiple sites. The online presentation includes images and historical descriptions of each landscape as well as video interviews with practitioners who discuss the sites and the challenges women still face in pursuing careers, even though they now make up a majority of students in university landscape architecture programs. The annual designations, which date back to 2003, have fostered efforts to preserve landscapes threatened by deferred maintenance and demolition; here are a few of the sites designated in this round.
Conservation & Preservationgallery
Marking a centennial, a new list highlights endangered US landscapes masterminded by women
Sites range from historic squares in Savannah to the landscape aesthetic of Disneyland
1 October 2020