Latest action in Healing Arts project addresses climate change
Plus, Cop26: how can the art world respond? And Fragonard's restored The Swing
We talk to museum innovators around the world who are taking climate action, from the art on the walls to the food on the restaurant menu
Guardians of world’s cultural heritage must mount the parapet and lead in the climate change battle
Eliasson will present a film with activist Kumi Naidoo at the summit on how the worlds of art and activism can help each other curb the climate crisis
Hannah Fry and Jo Foster quit museum as it partners with Indian company Adani to sponsor a new "green" gallery, due to open in 2023
City will become uninhabitable if no adequate measures are taken, Mario Piana says
Scientists, historians and writers are lobbying Mario Draghi to create a new authority to protect the city from rising waters
The travelling installation will head to Scotland for Cop26, the 26th UN Climate Change Conference, which starts this weekend
From neon warnings, to flags and polar bears, artists are highlighting the climate crisis