Amos Anderson Art Museum unveils bold vision for new home
Center for Art on Migration Politics in Copenhagen is the first of its kind in Europe
The city’s mayor has seen the exhibition and wants to bring it to the Icelandic capital
The collector hopes the sale will pay for the design of his proposed museum, which will be located not far from a building in which Munch used to work
Artist Nico Widerberg’s sculptures welcomed by many, but the way an anonymous donor is funding them upsets others
Private spaces show that tall poppies can grow in a Nordic climate
He suggests using Norway’s oil and gas billions to buy the best for the national gallery
With toys and trains galore, the April sale will appeal to the child in everyone
Collector hangs his art by the hors d’oeuvres
Elmgreen and Dragset on splitting up but staying together and why they are putting their lives on stage
The artists on splitting up but staying together and why they are putting their lives on stage
Pernilla Warberg says female bosses prefer culture to football
Authentication board says famous museum director “falsified” their history
Sense of embarrassment about real estate investor’s concept
Banking sector collapse blamed
Operations were halted after multiple experts questioned the authenticity of the exhibition's content, which had been sourced from private collections
Swedish students’ work comes under scrutiny after a series of controversies
Médecins Sans Frontières will get millions from the sale
Petter Olsen plans cultural complex outside Oslo
The Royal Library is in talks to purchase the works; another Danish museum wants to put them on display
Sculptor says collector made too many editions
Following gifts by private donors
All four versions of Mother and Child, Divided, returned to Hirst's studio for conservation
Allegations circulate that curator Pontus Hultén created unauthorised replicas
The director admitted they would not otherwise be able to obtain such a piece