Egon Schiele
The 100th anniversary of Austrian artist’s death has arrived just in time for the #MeToo movement
The heirs' attorney describes ruling as step closer to recovering "largest mass-theft in history," but Richard Nagy plans to appeal
A look at the life and art of the two Austrian greats as shows open marking their 100th anniversary. And the New Museum Triennial is reviewed.
The artists are the subject of exhibitions across the Austrian capital—and beyond
The US photographer’s innovations are re-examined in joint exhibition that looks at the ‘physical tensions of the human body’
Spring show at Bernard Arnault’s Paris institution includes unseen collection works by artists such as Murakami and Matisse
The site is to be restored as a monument to the artist’s young model, whose portrait has been called the Mona Lisa of Austria
Dorotheum sale piques interest, pre-empting centenary of the artist’s death next year
The online platform will have an emphasis on connoisseurship says the catalogue’s author and art dealer Jane Kallir
The ruling in long-standing legal battle may threaten defence that a purchase was made in good faith
His new space in London will open with an exhibition on the Austrian painter
Shakeouts of Nazi-looted occurring increasingly in the marketplace
Although successful restitutions have been achieved through focused research in individual museums, numerous cases in federal and provincial museums still need to be solved
But only with continued funding from cosmetics tycoon Ronald Lauder
With a Calder, the judge overruled the expert; with a Schiele, the judge decided deceit was the clincher, and with a Braque, the judge upheld Christie’s right to fear liability
The museum has spent over $250,000 contesting the attempted subpoena of two paintings
"Saved From Europe" commemorates the man who brought art condemned by the Nazis to the US and worked for the restitution of looted art
In the interests of future exhibitions, the New York Court of Appeals rules that Schieles on loan to Museum of Modern Art must be returned to the lender then a federal magistrate seizes one of pictures
The paintings are claimed to have been stolen from their rightful owners during the Nazi annexation of Austria
Works acquired in a “suspicious manner” will begin to be returned at once
The recent, widely publicised dispute over the provenance of two paintings by Egon Schiele, withdrawn last year from a loan exhibition at New York’s Museum of Modern Art on the grounds of contested ownership, offered a vivid illustration of the problems facing museums and private collectors who may find themselves having to prove good title to their possessions
Museum directors summoned before the House of Representatives
David D’Arcy reviews the rash of films about art and artists now being made in the US