Linda on the loose
Linda on the loose is a monthly blog by our US art critic Linda Yablonsky covering the hottest events and must-see shows in New York and beyond
Linda on the loose is a monthly blog by our US art critic Linda Yablonsky covering the hottest events and must-see shows in New York and beyond
Works by Jonas Bendiksen and Paul Graham seize attention at the Rencontres photography festival
Maja Hoffmann is spearheading a vast multidisciplinary arts complex spread over 15 acres of an industrial site
A curator draws unexpected associations in an enthralling ten-artist show at the Vincent van Gogh Foundation centering on the sun
Grandiosity runs wild in the duo's vast retrospective at Luma Arles
Plato in LA: Contemporary Artists Visions is a group exhibition marking the precedent-shattering debut of contemporary art at the Getty Villa
The real subject in the show, and the source of each portrait’s fascination, is the tension between self-image and outward appearance
Mexico City museum is becoming a private institution that actually serves the public interest