Unevenness comes to light, as survey finds that almost 50% of the UK total was directed towards London
Standing out from the crowd with art sponsorship becomes unnecessary, as more and more of America's biggest corporations unify
Record giving approached £1bn across the continent
The museum has been widely criticised by Californians for indirectly condoning the company's exploitation of addiction
If the State relinquishes its responsibility for funding culture, art will be restricted by private patronage, the letter argues
Tax mandates pertaining to the acquisition of art will be eased for both donors and foundations
One spectacular example is the Hotung Gallery in the British Museum, funded through £2 million from the Hong Kong businessman Joseph Hotung
Arts sponsorship is increasingly associated with marketing concerns rather than disinterested corporate philanthropy
Admical offers a number of explanations as to why figures have declined
The tobacco giant remains one of the most important private funders of the arts in the US
James Joll of the international media giant Pearson plc explains the who, what, why and quid pro quo of corporate involvement in the arts
In exchange for the monetary support the car company will provide, all ICA branding will include their logo
$2.5 million publication covering fifty countries
Holland will not be participating in the Biennales of Sidney and São Paolo as a result
France looks to Britain for models to increase private funding for the arts
The code was devised as a response to the normalisation of corporate funding, which could cause an uneven distribution of aid based on changing tastes
The text includes illustrative examples alongside practical advice
Tax will now be deductible for donations, but will a 2% relief be enough to make funding art worthwhile?
The selection of the tobacco corporation as first winner is testament to its long-term relationship with the museum
While for a time its fate hung in the balance due to insurance costs, the exhibition is now set to begin in Barcelona
If the law is passed, sponsors will be granted legal provisions so they might better circumvent obstacles that complicate art funding
Corporations' trust in art as a tool for generating publicity has not wavered