The Royal Academy, Tate, British Museum and National Gallery are all raising money successfully in the States, where 600,000 households report income exceeding $5m
We look beyond the Brooklyn Museum's Sensation exhibition into a troubling trend emerging across the sector
The £50m art bonanza has funded everything from Gormley's Angel of the North to a 48km sculpture trail
Record giving approached £1bn across the continent
If the State relinquishes its responsibility for funding culture, art will be restricted by private patronage, the letter argues
A legal review of the regulations governing non-profit institutions
The study shows an increasing and successful reliance on non-government support in this time of limited funding and frozen resources
The Spanish savings bank, had an operating budget of $67.64 million in 1993, of which $11.87 million was spent on visual arts projects
France's culture budget will see a 2.5% drop in real terms next year
Arts sponsorship is increasingly associated with marketing concerns rather than disinterested corporate philanthropy
Admical offers a number of explanations as to why figures have declined
The tobacco giant remains one of the most important private funders of the arts in the US
James Joll of the international media giant Pearson plc explains the who, what, why and quid pro quo of corporate involvement in the arts
Holland will not be participating in the Biennales of Sidney and São Paolo as a result
France looks to Britain for models to increase private funding for the arts
Tax will now be deductible for donations, but will a 2% relief be enough to make funding art worthwhile?
The prop is is one of the star lots in Christie’s South Kensington's Film and Entertainment sale