Activists say PIK Group's high-rise developments are environmentally unsafe and only aimed at making "super profits"
Digital initiative will invite users to explore and sponsor more than 190,000 works in the collection
But Russian president's remarks at eighth Moscow Urban Forum angered preservationists
The Grabar Art Conservation Center has launched the Ovchinnikov Ikonoteka space, which is named in honour of renowned restorer
Exhibition at Garage Museum includes stalker-like snaps of Pep Guardiola and live work charting Germany’s World Cup success—or failure
The 100th anniversary of Austrian artist’s death has arrived just in time for the #MeToo movement
It is business as usual, says the organisation’s director, as its founder, Ziyavudin Magomedov, remains in custody awaiting trial on racketeering charges
New research centre helps descendants discover fate of their family members
Exhibition of 400 works opens at State Tretyakov Museum and Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center
The Pushkin design satellite will have both historic and contemporary design galleries
Maria Loshak seeks industrial space for Modern and contemporary art satellite in Moscow
Objects include a mixed media panel suite by Pierre Bobot from the Roseland Ballroom in New York
Moscow’s Ekaterina Cultural Foundation is set to host a retrospective of the Young British Artists
Russia sets sights on high-tech war museum without a Marxist-Leninist bias
It will be part of a larger development that will include office space, retail outlets and swanky lofts
Constructivist-style bus garage transformed into high-tech Jewish museum in Moscow
Soviet-era unofficial artists and videos are on the centre’s agenda
The story of Moscow's underground art of the 1970s
Milena Orlova, the editor of The Art Newspaper Russia, discusses the market, collectors and why Russia needs an art newspaper
Growing concerns over authenticity of Modigliani portrait on show in Moscow museum
The Belgian artist talked to us about the messages art can convey on the eve of exhibitions in Europe, Russia and the United States
J. Ezra Merkin offloads $310m collection
Exhibitors fear that collectors will no longer make high-price purchases
The Moscow-based collector has amassed a hoard of Russian contemporary art
70 works to be installed in riverside factory
Couple claim that forgery accusations were the result of a property deal gone sour
Businessmen and collectors fund $4m complex
Collector and dealer Alexander Yakut's new enterprise is his most ambitious yet
Director and curator charged with “incitement of national, racial, or religious enmity”